Radio Cares, Year Two Looking Strong

• The 2nd Annual Radio Cares — Feeding America® campaign, presented by Feeding America and the Independent Broadcasters Association (IBA) is off to a great start with new and returning partners signing on in support of the nationwide radio event that raises money to provide meals for individuals and families facing hunger in America. This year’s campaign is happening April 14 on radio stations across the country. Last year’s inaugural event raised enough money to purchase five million meals, and 2021 looks to surpass that amount.

Returning partners include V/O pro Steve Kamer, who will once again be the Voice of Radio Cares. Kamer also kicked off this year’s drive with the first donation of 2021. Motor Racing Network (MRN) has also renewed its commitment. Bob Quick, MRN Manager of Radio Partnerships, commented, “We will support the Radio Cares message through our race broadcasts and ancillary programs on over 500 affiliate stations.” Sun Broadcast Group has also signed up for year two. Danno Wolkoff, COO of Sun, stated, “We’re thrilled that Sun Broadcast Group is once again the lead radio network in this year’s Radio Cares campaign. Providing our resources to help stations in the general and Hispanic markets implement their marketing and promotion of Feeding America to deliver at least five million more meals is our primary focus.”

HRN Media Network is also participating again this year, providing access to Hispanic listeners across America via its affiliated Spanish Language stations. HRN Pres. Clark Logan said, “HRN is thrilled to be doing its part to feed as many Americans as possible.” YEA Networks is also returning in 2021, according to YEA Pres. Shawn Nunn, who commented, “YEA Networks is proud to support the cause again by using our talented video and design departments to help participating stations look great online and on social media.” New this year: AdLarge Media will also support the cause. Gary Schonfeld, Co-CEO of AdLarge said, “We are pleased to lend our support to this event. We have all watched the faces on the news of people at food banks that are stretched to the max. This is a cause that every organization and person can get behind.”

Ron Stone, President of the IBA, said, “There are so many ways that radio can support this great event. If you own independent stations, or if you are a network, help us promote the event to your listeners and raise awareness for the need of donations. If you are a lender or investor in the radio industry, let me know what assets you can bring to bear on this. Literally everyone can help by sharing the news of the event on social media or making an early contribution. You don’t have to be an IBA member to participate. This is an industry-wide initiative, and we appreciate everyone’s effort to make this year’s event incredible.” Immediate contributions may be made at

Radio Cares, Year Two Looking Strong