Music Health Alliance: Here To Help

• Nashville-based non-profit Music Health Alliance has provided healthcare support and advocacy to over 11,000 members of the music community, saving over $50,000,000 in healthcare costs in just seven years. Their help, which is FREE to any member of the music industry, is even more critical as we face the global pandemic of COVID 19.

Music Health Alliance is uniquely positioned to provide direct services, resources and grants to our music community in a meaningful and effective way. The entire staff has been tasked with finding solutions to face the challenges and uncharted territory of COVID-19. The threat to health and the financial devastation to our music community is unfolding before our eyes. Music Health Alliance is working around the clock to filter fact from fiction, assimilate this information in a usable way and to identify, provide resources and assist the most vulnerable in our industry at this critical time.

Music Health Alliance has also developed a COVID-19/Tornado Relief Plan & Database of Solutions based on the immediate needs of our music community that fall within our mission, in addition to providing direct cost assistance for music professionals with the following immediate needs: 1) Health Insurance Monthly Premiums; 2) Medication; 3) Food; 4) COVID-19 Testing/Doctor Visit — uninsured/under-insured.

Music Health Alliance: Here To Help