Entercom On The Comeback Trail

• Thursday morning, while finishing our first cup of coffee, we were thrilled when our in-box crackled back to life with an email from an Entercom friend, titled, simply, “Email is back!”

It’s a huge step back to civilization for Entercom, which has been dealing with the serious fallout from an major cyber attack since late last week… so we are told by several unofficial sources. We understand that the ransomware attack took down most of the company’s internal systems vital to its daily business, including music scheduling functions, billing, traffic, its AudioVault automation system, etc.

Since the attack, which reportedly occurred in the early hours of Saturday, Sept. 7, staffers have been working furiously to either remedy these issues or create a temporary work-around — like staffers using personal cell phones and email addresses to conduct business. So far the company has not publicly discussed the cause of the attack. Stand by for further updates.

Entercom On The Comeback Trail