Jaybeau Wakes Up In New Hampshire

• Major market personality Jaybeau Jones is joining Binnie Media’s Classic Hits Frank FM network (106.3 WFNQ/Manchester-Nashua, 98.3 WLNH/Concord-Lakes Region, & 98.7 WBYY/Portsmouth-Dover-Rochester NH) as morning host, starting Monday, August 5.

Massachusetts native Jones has been on the air for all his adult life, and part of his childhood. His lengthy career has has taken him to New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, Hartford and Worcester. He’s also a 2017 inductee into the Rhode Island Radio Hall of Fame for his 1979-84 stint (as “Johnny Dowd“) at the late, great JB105/Providence. For the past 12 years Jaybeau has been a part of SiriusXM’s 70s on 70 channel, a gig he will retain.

“Finally, I get to relive my childhood and hang out on Lake Winnipesaukee!” Jaybeau exclaimed. “New Hampshire is like a second home. I have wonderful family memories of summers in New Hampshire. Coming to Frank is like being back home.”

The new gig also marks a lovely radio reunion for Jaybeau and Morgan Prue, Binnie Media Regional Promotions and Programming Coordinator, who used to work together at WROR/Boston.

Heath Cole, Binnie Media EVP of Programming & Operations, stated, “We are thrilled to welcome Jaybeau to our esteemed lineup of A-level talent at Binnie Media. We are equally excited to announce Frank FM as his first affiliate with ‘Personality On Demand.'”

• Concurrent with Jaybeau’s debut in mornings, Angie C moves from 6am-noon to middays (10am-3pm), and Chris “Doc” Garrett‘s shift is altered from noon-6pm to the more civilized 3-7pm.

Jaybeau Wakes Up In New Hampshire