Kimball Promoted At MPR

• Congrats to Lindsay Kimball, APD of Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) Triple A KCMP (The Current)/Minneapolis, who has been formally promoted to MPR’s Regional Director of Membership — she has been serving in that role on an interim basis while also handling APD duties. Concurrent with her new fulltime position, Kimball will relinquish her stripes.

“I’m looking forward to starting a new chapter with the Membership team, and I hope to bring my skills, expertise, and creativity to help MPR thrive far into the future,” said Kimball, who has been with MPR since 2005, starting as an intern at The Current. She later rose to Assistant Producer and Programming Coordinator before she was upped to APD, while also being on the air.

“Lindsay has an incredible ability to get things done, and her input into all facets of The Current will be missed,” said Current PD Jim McGuinn. “Thankfully, she’ll be applying those skills in another area of our organization and will still be contributing to the success of The Current, through Membership. We are excited for her to take this next step, and we’re grateful for the 14 years we’ve had her as part of this team.” The Current is now working on a succession plan to fill the APD vacancy after Kimball’s transition. Stay tuned for more details. [Photo credit: The Current]

Kimball Promoted At MPR