PD Wanted For Rochester’s Zone

• RAMP has learned that Cory “Kobe” Fargo has resigned his position as PD and afternoon drive talent at Stephens Media Group Alternative WZNE (94.1 The Zone)/Rochester, NY for a new gig TBA. Stand by for that official announcement. In the meantime…

The search is now underway for Kobe’s successor. OM Mike McCoy is now looking for a new PD who is a strategic thinker and who lives the lifestyle of the target audience. If you are great on the air, can produce amazing imaging and know how to win, this is the job for you! Big egos need NOT apply. Pay and benefits will excite you if you can excite us.

You have your assignment… send your best stuff to mike.mccoy@smgnational.com (no phone calls please). Stephens Media is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

PD Wanted For Rochester’s Zone