St. John Blessed With Extra Show

• Can you believe that it was 22 years ago this month that terrestrial radio legend Pat St. John made the move to satellite radio, joining the company that would become SiriusXM. For years Pat has been LIVE weekday afternoons from 3-7pm ET on The 60s on 6 — and starting this weekend, Pat will be “extending his brand,” as it were, as he will also host Feel Good Saturdays with Pat St. John, every Saturday from 8-11pm ET.

During his new Saturday show, Pat will be taking calls at 877.SIRI.XM6 from his beautiful home studio in San Diego, asking his listeners to request that special song and tell him why that song means so much to them. As Pat explains to RAMP, “During these very difficult times, people need to get a break from it all with three hours of fun and music they can actually participate in.” Pat will also be sharing some songs from his personal collection along with the biggest hits folks love so much. “This was the greatest decade of music ever, and I just love bringing it all back,” said Pat, who can be reached at

St. John Blessed With Extra Show