“Jay Thomas Changed My Life”

RAMP‘s Steve Resnik wanted to share this true story about Jay Thomas, who became a friend and who introduced him to the man who became the most influential person in his career — As Steve relates, “My first industry gathering was the 1972 Bobby Poe Convention, which, at the time was basically a golf and tennis tournament. I played tennis, and my first opponent was Jay Thomas, who I didn’t know personally, although he was already a legendary morning man at Big WAYS/Charlotte. Afterward, Jay asked me if I played football. I said yes, so we rounded up 20 radio and promotion guys, chose up teams and played some football. We became good friends.”

That’s a rough and ready Mr. Resnik (left), pictured round that same time. He continued, “During the next year’s Poe Convention, Jay and I decided to play football again and were captains of the opposing teams. Jay had played quarterback at Central Piedmont College and was really good. His team was beating mine 28-7 at halftime when Jay said to me, ‘See that that guy over there? His name is Charlie Minor, and he’s the Atlanta Regional A&M guy and a great athlete. He played cornerback at the University of Georgia. Since we’re winning by three touchdowns, why don’t you take him?” We did — Charlie threw five TDs in the second half, including three to me. We ended up winning the game and he and I became immediate friends.

After the game Charlie told me he had been promoted and was moving to L.A. to do National Singles for A&M. He told me he didn’t know anyone out there, and would I take him around?” I did, and a year later, he came to ABC/Dunhill as my boss. I was in my seventh year there. Over the next 15 years, we were partners at four record labels: ABC, United Artists, EMI and A&M. More than any other person of the thousands of music industry colleagues I had known over four decades, Charlie totally shaped my life and career from that day on. I don’t know where I’d be today if it wasn’t for Jay Thomas — a great football player, a great DJ, a great actor and a great person who will be missed.”

“Jay Thomas Changed My Life”