101X Marks Beharrell’s Austin Spot

• YEA Networks-syndicated The Greg Beharrell Show claims its latest victim, snagging Waterloo Media’s famous KROX (101X)/Austin for 7-midnight, beginning Monday, August 2. Sounding amazingly sincere, 101X PD Lynn Barstow said, “I’ve wanted to hire Greg for more than a decade. I’m thrilled to finally have his brand of humor on 101X!”

Beharrell, with his trademark glass-like confidence, said, “The Greg Beharrell Show and 101X go together like…” before trailing off, struggling to find an appropriate simile while scanning the room in a panic, as if the answer will magically appear on the faded, taupe walls of his “office” (actually a slightly modified cloakroom), his eyes glaze over with the desperation of a man far removed from his depth, until he settles on, “things that go together!”

Now suddenly all proud of himself, Beharrell smiles and attempts to lean back in his chair in celebration, but the chair’s backrest is locked in place, creating an awkward “sardine-esque” smooshing of his already bizarre frame. You’re welcome for that visual.

Looking for an afternoon or night show on Rock, Alt-Rock, Classic Rock? Give The Greg Beharrell Show a shot. Visit yeanetworks.com. We’ll wait here.

101X Marks Beharrell’s Austin Spot