Dub! Is The World, Dub! Is The Children

Dub! AfricaNoted world traveller R Dub!, the creator, host and producer of the internationally syndicated hit weekend radio show Sunday Night Slow Jams has partnered with non-profit Water 4 Kids International to launch a global charitable initiative that has been dubbed (get it?) “Slow Jams 4 Kids.” The goal of this mission is to raise $10,500 to provide a village in Africa with a well and clean water for the families who live there.

Dub! says he was inspired to take action after his first trip to Africa in December, as he said, “Anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely love to travel. I’ve been to 74 countries on this amazing earth and my goal is to see every one. But something happened last month when I visited Africa for the first time; something profound and life changing. Never in my life had I felt so much unconditional love — from total strangers — than while walking through the villages of Africa. These people were amazing, especially the kids. They didn’t know who I was or what I was doing there… They just showed me love. But my new friends in these villages didn’t even have a reliable water source — the most basic necessity you and I never think twice about — water. And they didn’t have it.”

He continued, “Knowing that I, along with my friends and listeners, have the power to change this, gave me hope. I’ve teamed up with Water 4 Kids International, and am asking my friends in the radio industry to join us in making a difference by donating today at slowjams4kids.com. Together, we are going to bring a well to a village in Africa and ensure that the kids there have a source of clean drinking water.”

Dub! Is The World, Dub! Is The Children