hardDrive Honors Chester Bennington

It goes without saying the recent passing of Chester Bennington of Linkin Park, Stone Temple Pilots and Dead By Sunrise has hit the rock community pretty hard. Noted Rock Goddess Roxy Myzal, Sr. Producer, Rock Programming for the United Stations-syndicated hardDriveRadio said, “We are still trying to come to grips with this tragedy. To this end, some of the interviews we’ve done over the years with Chester will be the spotlight of this weekend’s edition of hardDrive with Lou Brutus. He is our sole guest and we’ve included music from all three of his bands.”

Myzal continued, “We’ve dug back into the vault all the way back to 2001 to honor Chester’s history with us on hardDriveRadio. In addition, Chester is the Featured Artist of the Week on hardDrive XL the week of Aug 14-18. We wanted to pay tribute to Chester the best way we could… in his own words. I hope you and your listeners enjoy our efforts.”

hardDrive Honors Chester Bennington