McMurray’s Nine-Inning Stretch

Chicago radiomcmurray-pic delight Pete McMurray wasn’t about to let his recovery from foot tendon surgery interfere with his intention to see his beloved Chicago Cubs play in a World Series game at Wrigley Field on Saturday night. McMurray underwent the surgical procedure two weeks ago and had been hobbling around on crutches for 10 days and had to keep his right foot elevated — not exactly optimal conditions for facing the crazed hordes of fans inside the “friendly confines” — until an idea dawned, as McMurray relates to RAMP, “In true Chicago form, I got a guy who found me a wheelchair and got me into an area of the stadium where I could park the chair and hang with my brother, Dave.”

McMurray continued, “I made sure I was off my pain medication four days before the game (so I could drink beer), secured the special seating, rented the wheelchair (only $15!) and made the World Series over the weekend.” Dave McMurray bravely pushed his brother’s chair — like a miniature battering ram — through the highly agitated crowds. Other than the fact that the Cubs pulled out a Series-extending win on Sunday night, McMurray’s second-best news of the evening was finding out that, “My special seating was 10 feet away from the beer stand and 20 feet away from the bathroom elevator! All we need is the Cubs to win two more in Cleveland!”


McMurray’s Nine-Inning Stretch