Riser House Records Rising

• The immediate overhaul of the Riser House Records‘ Promotion staff is officially complete this week with the addition of two new regional directors — Jeff Davis (left) will helm the East Coast region and Roger Fregoso (right) will take over the West Coast region. Sally Allgeier remains the Central Region Director and Shannon Edge is Coordinator, and everyone reports to newly appointed SVP of Promotion, Bob Reeves.

Commenting on his new team members, Reeves said, “Of all the Jeff Davis’ know… this Jeff Davis is clearly my favorite! His love of music & tenacious promotion skills makes him a perfect player for the new RH three-regional  configuration, and I’m thrilled to be reunited with my former colleague, Roger Fregoso (who segues from the same post at 19th & Grand) shared time with me and Sally at Reviver/1608/DavMo. His immitigable spirit, passion & dedication to the format will be a boon to the new team and I can’t wait to get started working with them all!”

Sally and Shannon are already in place and Jeff and Roger will start next Monday, August 17. Reach Jeff at jeff@riserhouse.com and Roger at roger@riserhouse.com.

Riser House Records Rising