O’Neill Headed To Colorado

• Earlier this month we told you about Pat O’Neill‘s all-too-brief stint as PD and morning personality at Blooming Prairie Farm Radio Classic Hits KNXR (Minnesota 97.5)/Rochester, MN — coming on the heels of his remarkable 35-year run with Mid-West Family Broadcasting Madison, WI as OM of the cluster and PD/morning personality at AC WMGN (Magic 98).

We are pleased to report that O’Neill is already back in action and as is now headed west to beautiful Grand Junction, CO to begin his new adventure as PD and morning co-host at MBC Grand Broadcasting AC KKVT (The Vault 92.3), teaming up with longtime Vault morning host Libby Pelletier.

OM Chris Britt says O’Neill replaces Patrick Bybee, who has left radio to pursue a new career path in auto sales. O’Neill is on his way west as we speak, and is aiming for a start date sometime next week.


O’Neill Headed To Colorado