Ron Valeri Era Ends At WAAF

Ron Valeri, the longtime PD of Entercom’s heritage Rock station WAAF/Boston, is living proof of that old adage, “when one door closes, another opens.” Tuesday is Valeri’s last day with WAAF, and his departure was deliberately set in motion a while back when he and his wife Lynne made the life-altering decision to mutually close the radio door and open a different door to a new entrepreneurial path, as they prepare to launch an e-commerce business. Valeri had quietly submitted his resignation back in May, but agreed to stay on while Entercom searched for his successor. To that end, we are told to expect a new PD announcement soon.

In a staff memo, Entercom Regional President/Boston Market Manager Mark Hannon said of Valeri, “Ron has had three stints at WAAF — first as its Marketing, Advertising and Promotion Director from 1987-1989, then as its Program Director from 1989-1993, and finally as its Program Director/Brand Manager over the last 13 years.  He has done an amazing job at WAAF, and his passion and dedication to the brand and its people are unrivaled in the industry.”

In his farewell memo, Valeri said, “Today is my last day here at Entercom… These most recent 13 years have flown by, and I credit many of you for that, being that ‘time flies when you’re having fun!'” He continued, “I’ll miss the daily interactions with several of you, as well as the strong sense of tribalism and pride that comes with sticking with a company and its team for any extended period of time. Thank you for your camaraderie all these years. I’m particularly grateful for the contributions made by so many on the WAAF staff. It’s been a privilege and my good fortune to have these smart and highly dedicated people working tirelessly on the brand. Don’t ever discount the role that luck plays in your life… I’m truly lucky to have been surrounded by and supported by such a talented team. Also, very special thanks to our Boston Big Guy, Mark Hannon. I’ve enjoyed working for Mark immensely, and you are all in good hands with him moving forward.

As for me, I’m off to test the lifestyle of semi-early retirement. There are some important people and causes in my life that I want to devote more time to. Additionally, having been self-employed on couple of occasions in the past, the ‘Rontrepreneur’ in me is again yearning to build a small business. I’ll be diving headfirst into a new venture starting tomorrow! None of this ‘life design’ would be possible for me at this juncture had it not been for the opportunities afforded me by Pat Paxton, David Fieldand Weezie Kramer. I can’t thank them enough for their many years of mentorship and support.” Valeri’s many friends can easily stay in contact with him at

Ron Valeri Era Ends At WAAF