‘We Asked Them to Apply, Thankfully They Did’

Guest Editorial submitted by Chuck Knight

We asked them to apply. Now we have a responsibility to them. As hiring managers, there are easy steps in the application communication process we need to be using, otherwise it’s a black eye on ourselves and our companies. I’m speaking from the mistakes I’ve made and learned from over the years.

If we advertise an opening and get an application, email an acknowledgement of receipt. Auto-replies are fine.

If an applicant emails something during this process, don’t ghost them. A ‘Thanks, got it’ or ‘Interesting’ will suffice.

If an applicant isn’t being or no longer being considered, that’s okay. Cut them loose so they’re not left wondering — ‘We’re focused on a few others but wish you continued success.’

Once we’ve filled the position, the other applicants we have interviewed… in person, via Zoom or by phone… deserve a short personal phone call from us letting them know.

Lastly, release it to the trades. It’s terrible to have applicants find out in the trades that the position has been filled. They’ve probably spent hours doing online applications, preparing audio, listening observation documents, completing questionnaires, discussing and investing emotion into the process for us. No excuses for doing the right thing.

Much of the above is copy and paste. Not difficult or time consuming. It’s simple, kind communication and not forgetting how we’d like to be treated ourselves. Let’s take the opportunity to help build someone up today.”

Veteran programmer & consultant Chuck Knight is President of Chuck Knight Media. He can be reached at Chuck@ChuckKnightMedia.com or via ChuckKnightMedia.com.

‘We Asked Them to Apply, Thankfully They Did’