Cole Crosses Country

Cole Ethan 2017iHeartMedia Top 40 KHTS (Channel 93.3)/San Diego has filled its 7-midnight vacancy with the talents of an emerging company star — Ethan Cole earns the transfer west from sister WXKS (Kiss 108)/Boston, effective January 30. For the past two years, Cole has been making a name for himself in Boston as an on-air talent and the producer of Matty In The Morning on Kiss 108. He’s described as “an active blogger and social media influencer” whose Kiss 108 blog ranked in the top 50 for monthly unique visitors among all iHeartMedia talent nationwide in 2016.

Cole said, “I grew up in Los Angeles and spent quite a few weekends exploring San Diego. It’s an amazing city and Channel 93.3 is an amazing station — I can’t wait to be a part of both and am so grateful for this opportunity.” Channel 93.3 PD Joe Haze said, “Ethan will fit right into the Channel 93.3 brand! His energy and strong digital presence will help elevate nights to… [Ed. note: keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times] … the next level™.”

Cole succeeds Nathan Fast, who was recently hired away to do mornings on CBS Radio Top 40 KVIL (AMP 103.7)/Dallas.

Cole Crosses Country