Robin Rock’s Back!

Rock Robin 2017Robin Rock is coming home to iHeartMedia AC WLIT (93.9 MYfm)/Chicago to do middays! Ms. Rock, a 30-year radio vet, famously spent 16 years behind the mic at WLIT until 2013 — since then her voice has graced various iHeartMedia stations across the country. In announcing Rock’s return, PD Mick Lee said, “For nearly two decades, Robin Rock has been Chicagoland’s companion at the workplace. Her talent, her passion for the music and her wealth of market knowledge is a great addition to our lineup. We are happy to have her back home at 93.9 MYfm!”

A clearly enthusiastic Rock said, “It’s a true honor to come home to my iHeartMedia family in Chicago. I’m beyond excited to tag along at work with the same folks in Chicago and Northwest Indiana that I have come to know and love nearly 20 years. It’s an honor to do what I love and to do it once again on my favorite station. It just doesn’t get any better than this, and I’m beyond grateful to iHeartMedia for their faith in me!”


Robin Rock’s Back!