An Open Letter to Radio

Yesterday we received this very timely open letter from Andrew Curran, President & COO of DMR/Interactive. We hereby present it here in its entirety: “Surrounding any natural disaster, there are a series of predictable events, including an outpouring of charitable giving and a surge of radio listening. While the generosity of charitable giving is viewed through the lens of “America at its best,” which undoubtedly is true, radio listening will be held by some to a different standard. Critics and skeptics will contend that while radio listening increases during and immediately after a disaster, it goes away almost as quickly as it came. In some cases, radio’s role moving forward is predicted to be “perhaps only existing as emergency frequency.” Nothing could be further from the truth.

As Houston and the Gulf Coast benefit from an enormous outpouring of nationwide support, does anyone believe that people merely “rediscovered” generosity this week? Of course not. We all know that America is generous 365 days per year. Our charitable spirit simply gets magnified in times of disaster and crisis. The same is true of radio — 24/7 we are operating in the “public interest, convenience and necessity,” and the audience knows it. In their cars and at-work, radio usage by Americans is unrivaled. Radio is their preferred destination, not an option of last resort.

When a natural disaster strikes, people don’t “rediscover” radio anymore than people “rediscover” generosity. Instead, they double-down and magnify their daily media habits, which means listening to more radio. Hearing a trusted voice is even more important during times of crisis. Another important connection between generosity and radio is employment. You cannot donate money that you don’t have. The same is true with radio. People don’t listen on their couch at home. The vast majority of AM/FM listening is driven by employed persons. We know all of this to be true about radio – the challenge is having the courage to believe it. Despite the current political climate and variety of mobile audio platforms, the role of generosity and AM/FM radio in the lives of Americans is not only secure, it’s vibrant.

Speaking of work — enjoy your Labor Day Weekend and I look forward to seeing you in Austin next week. Here’s to celebrating what’s right with radio and the world.”  — Sincerely, Andrew Curran, President & COO, DMR/Interactive

An Open Letter to Radio