Looove, Exciting & Newww…

Belated congratulations to Jeremy “Cousin Ed” Schulz, Brand Manager/afternoon delight on Saga Top 40 WNRG (Energy 106.9)/Milwaukee and the lovely Stacy Frankiewicz, an Administrative Assistant at The LaMachia Group, who tied the knot on Sept. 1.

The happy couple got themselves hitched on what is known as a “hobby farm” –one that is operated for pleasure, rather than for primary income. “We decided to get married on the anniversary of the date that we lost my stepfather nine years ago,” Schulz tells RAMP. “He passed due to an accident on a hobby farm, so we did this to have his spirit with us — and put some joy back into the date. We believe it was him who gave us this perfect day of sunshine without a cloud in the sky. It truly was a ‘special’ day. [Photo courtesy of CMPhotography]

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Looove, Exciting & Newww…