Wookie On The Loose!

wookie-2016Wookie On The Loose! Well, this sucks…. yesterday we learned that our old pal George “Wookie” Kreiner was let go from his morning gig at Adams Radio Rhythmic WOCQ (OC104)/Salisbury-Ocean City, MD. His co-host, stand-up comic Brian “Crookidd” Johnson has also exited. The company has inked the syndicated Brooke & Jubal as replacements.

This had been Wookie’s second tour of duty at OC104 — he famously spent nearly 20 years at the station during his original stint. After a break of seven and a half years, Wookie made his triumphant return to host the morning show in February of 2015, right around the time OC104 was being sold by Great Scott Broadcasting to Adams Radio Group. Wookie is now searching for his next local opportunity and can be reached at 410-430-1401, gkreiner@comcast.net or via his website at DJWookie.com.

Wookie On The Loose!