Go To Bed With Frosty, Heidi & Frank

FHF Night ShiftCumulus Media’s venerable Rock monster KLOS/Los Angeles comes out of the gate in 2017 with several exciting announcements, not the least of which is the brand extension of the station’s Frosty, Heidi & Frank show that gently wakes you up weekday mornings — The Frosty, Heidi & Frank Night Shift debuted this week and airs Monday through Thursday from 9-11pm PT. This new evening bookend show features a mix of “best of” stuff from earlier in the morning, new content and a lot of great rock music.

Keith Cunningham, who doubles as KLOS PD and Corporate Rock Programmer for Cumulus Media said, “Frosty, Heidi & Frank are sounding great and expanding their platform on the station just makes sense. Listeners have busy lives and many simply aren’t able to listen in the morning, so we’re stoked to unleash FHF on the Southern California evening crowd.”

Beharrell Greg 2017But wait… there’s more! The hilarious Greg Beharrell joins KLOS for weekends and as a key writer and digital/social content creator. Beharrell (apple sold separately), who is also a comedy writer, most recently worked at KITS (Live 105)/San Francisco and he will continue to do his radio shows in Canada, two TV shows and he’s also the Canadian voice of JACK-FM. Cunningham said, “How Greg’s brain works, I’ll never understand, but he is laugh-out-loud funny and a content machine. Southern California radio doesn’t have anyone like Greg, and we’re thrilled he’s joined the KLOS mafia.”

Go To Bed With Frosty, Heidi & Frank